Sunday, April 29, 2007

All things Amitabh

Continuing with the new fascination of all things Amitabh is the new headline in the Indian Express. You would think it is another article by some BA (Arts) intern that Indian Express regularly hires to fulfill its daily quota on Amitabh news. But it is an article about a book -Bollywood, A History by Mihir Bose.

Now, inspite of the assholes in the media, who will probably lead us to believe that nobody exists in Bollywood except the Bachhans (and , in addition, maybe His Supreme Assholeness Sriyut Salman Khan), Bollywood did have a rich history before it descended into the garish chutiyagiri that we see these days. And so , it happens the real stars of the book (you know "ordinary people" like Dadasaheb Phalke, Salunkhe, KL Saigal) have to wait till the latter part of the article to be condescendingly mentioned.

Note that in the article, the webprint for the greats of yesteryears put together is approximately equal to that dedicated to Mr. Bacchan.

Utter stupidity reigns, I tell you ......

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